Keep An Eye Out For The Old Scout

It’s been a good three years since Mission purchased a single barrel of Smooth Ambler Old Scout. Given their new six year old stocks and bargain price point for cask strength Bourbon, we knew it was time to pull the trigger once again!

One of the pioneers of the MGP independent scene, Smooth Ambler’s quality has never been in question and with the updated bottle and rustic new label, we think customers are going to go crazy for this one. Six year old cask strength single barrel Bourbon from MGP is always a hit, especially when it’s just $44.99. Orchard fruits on the nose with candied vanilla is a great way to start. The sweetness of the whiskey is pronounced on the first sip, almost syrupy with brown sugar notes, but it’s buttressed by black pepper and some herbaceous characteristics. This is a workhorse of a whiskey as is evident from the harnessed horse on the front label. Can you afford NOT to buy one at this price?