The Mission Booze Blog

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The Bartender's Handshake

Long before the Negroni cocktail became a global phenomenon and Italian amaro was a household bar staple, Fernet Branca was the bartender’s shot of choice up and down California (also known as “the Bartender’s Handshake.”

With its distinctive herbaceous flavors and slightly bitter finish, Fernet Branca’s appeal as a digestivo has been in place for over 150 years at this point, but its modern renaissance stems from California’s bar scene where it’s said that over 35% of Fernet Branca is consumed globally!

If you’re too old to be taking late night shots at the bar these days (we understand!), you can still enjoy a shot of Fernet Branca at home after a nice meal with your friends and family. Normally $26 a bottle, we’re discounting it down to $19.95 today so that home bartenders can extend their own “handshake” to their loved ones.

If you’re a Fernet Branca lover, it’s time to stock up at our nationwide low price. If you’re new to Fernet Branca, there’s no better time to try a bottle than now!