Instagram Live Repost: Talking Laundry and Alcohol With Patric Richardson
Patric Richardson is my new favorite person in the world right now; hence, it was incredible to get thirty minutes with him on Instagram yesterday.
If you don’t have Patric’s book, you will in a matter of time. Unless you never wash your clothes, that is. No single course of education has ever transformed my life for the better in so short a period of time. There’s always a video out there that shows you an easier way to do something you’ve been doing wrong for years, but this book is like that video on steroids. Pretty much everyone is doing their laundry completely wrong, and Patric shows you why that is and how to do it better.
Patric’s book and everything in it are available at his Laundry Evangelist website, and I can promise you that you’ll never look at vodka the same way again once you get it.
If you go out all night drinking Bourbon and smoking cigars, it’s the vodka that will save you from smelling like a sailor. Read the book.
-David Driscoll